Money in Bank Account Missing

The case of money being lost or stolen without a valid transaction directly from a bank account is not a common issue. It has happened many times involving banks in Malaysia. Maybe this thing doesn’t happen to you but it has happened to other people. We must panic if the money in the bank account disappears when we didn’t do any transaction.

What if the money in the bank account is lost and what should be done if the money in our bank is lost? If you check the balance in your bank account, and you find that your money is reduced or lost while you have not made any transactions or money withdrawals, here are guide you need to do:

1.Make a report at your bank
The easiest way to make a report is to call the bank’s customer service line and it will probably be sent to the Complaints unit. Make sure you provide detailed information such as the time of the lost money transaction (can be checked through online banking) and the amount of your lost money.

2. Make a police report
Go to any police station near your place and tell the police what happened.

3. Feedback from the Bank
Usually the process from the bank will require 14 working days for this case to be investigated and after that the bank will give a response. If you do not receive a response from the bank after this period, you should call your bank again to request a response.

4. Make a complaint to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
If you do not receive a response from your bank or the response provided does not provide a satisfactory explanation, you can continue to make further complaints to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). Contact the BNM Telelink Line: Telephone: 1-300-88-5465 / 603 -2698-8044 / 2698 9044 / 9179 2888

There may be many more banking users who have experienced losing money without realizing it. What we, as users, can do when faced with the above situation is to make a report according to the correct procedure. So, everyone who saves money through a bank account should always be aware and know about outgoing or incoming money as well as all the transactions you do need to be examined so that there are no more cases of lost savings in the bank account.

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