Stress is something that often happens to humans but it can be harmful if the emotional and physical challenges exceed the individual’s ability to control stress. According to the Malaysian Ministry of Health, stress is defined as pressure or pressure that a person faces following a past event that happened to them either emotionally or physically. The fatigue of facing the demands of daily tasks at home or in the office makes many people easily feel depressed. But not many people have the ‘ability’ to detect this matter from an early stage. Stress is part of our life. No matter who it is, everyone will experience it.

What are the Common Signs / Symptoms of Stress :

• Physical : Fatigue, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, body aches especially in the shoulder and back area, strong heartbeat, chest pain, nausea, body tremors, cold hands and sweating.

• Mental : Loss of concentration, easy to forget, difficult to make decisions, can’t think, confused thinking and can’t joke.

• Emotions : Worried, always worried, sullen, angry, easily frustrated, always afraid, sensitive, easily impatient and hot-tempered.

Temperament : Whining, born with habits such as biting nails and shuffling feet, eating excessively, smoking, drinking alcohol, shouting, cursing, blaming and blaming others and acting aggressively.

But in general, we can feel changes in ourselves, not to mention when emotions change quickly. We become sensitive and quick to anger even because of small and trivial things. The head may feel sore and the shoulders feel tense. Uncontrolled and well-managed stress can affect overall health. Every time you feel angry or stressed, your heart health will be affected. This is because stress is closely related to high blood pressure, one of the 3 main contributors to heart disease. Anyone whether children, teenagers, adults and the elderly can experience stress. In general, the level of stress faced by a person varies according to the stress load faced.

Here are some guidelines for managing stress:

• Stay Active
Participate in any physical activity you like. Exercise helps relieve your stress.

• Always Positive
Focus on the positive things in life. This will give a positive feeling about the future.

• Do Favorite Activities
Make a plan that you will enjoy because it is the key to a stress-free and meaningful life.

• Practice a Balanced Diet
By practicing a balanced diet, it will supply the important nutrients needed by our body to help manage stress.

• Enough sleep
Make sure you get enough sleep as recommended by the doctor which is about seven to eight hours a day. This is important to ensure you get a satisfactory rate of rest.

• Massage
When you are stressed usually the muscles in the neck and shoulders will be tense. Learn how to massage your neck and shoulders because this massage can relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation.

The danger of this stress is that it can not only affect the quality of our lives, but the people around us such as our family and close friends can also be affected by it. The problem of stress and pressure is not a trivial matter. To some extent, we should know how to deal with stress to obtain peace and well-being in life. Stress must be dealt with continuously to ensure that we are healthy physically, emotionally and mentally. If you feel that the stress coping methods you are trying are not working and your condition is getting worse, please consult your doctor for advice. Believe me, every problem has a solution. You have to be confident and believe that you can overcome stress!