Have you ever applied for financing, but had trouble getting approved? This group consists of those who earn little or do not have a fixed income. Many entrepreneurs in Malaysia want to expand their business but have problems in terms of financial capital. Businesses or companies that want to compete do need a fund and financing so that their business is more advanced and competitive.
Micro financing is financing that is offered to help micro enterprises to maintain operations and increase their business productivity. Most small and medium entrepreneurs have capital turnover problems or lack of capital to buy new equipment to increase production efficiency by using sophisticated machines. This financing is also does not require any collateral or guarantor. Micro financing is now one of the core and focus of the government to defend the fate of the people who need help so that they can participate in the rapid development of the country. Among the functions and advantages of micro financing are:
- Fast financing approval
- Minimal documentation
- Help increase the productivity of small and medium businesses
- Helping youth, including graduates, to enter the business field
You are advised to plan the loan amount you wish to apply for. Make sure the amount is suitable for your business and you can afford to make repayments. Kowaja is always on hand to provide funds and financing to help hawkers and small traders expand and improve your business. For more information on the financing facility packages provided, you can contact us at 03-40482111 or 013-2227842.